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SEO Basics: Guide to SEO Success

SEO Basics: Guide to SEO Success

If you want people to find your website through Google, you need to have a fundamental understanding of search engine optimization (SEO). These are much easier to understand than you may imagine.

Continue reading to find out what search engine optimization (SEO) is, how to set things up so they will be successful, and how to be indexed.

SEO Basics

What exactly is SEO?

The technique of increasing the amount of organic search traffic that comes to a website is referred to as search engine optimization (SEO). It is the part of your website where you perform things to assist you appear and rank better in the organic results of a search engine.

What makes SEO such a big deal?

It’s probable that people are looking for what you provide, and you may bring in new business by ranking well for the phrases related to it. However, given that everyone else is working toward the same goal, it is quite improbable that you will rank well without making any effort. Because of this, SEO is important. It helps show Google that you most deserve to rank higher than other websites.

What are the advantages of using SEO techniques?

As a result of the fact that the majority of people only click one of the top few search results, having a better position often leads in more traffic. Search traffic, on the other hand, is more likely to be steady and unengaged than traffic from other sources. This is because the total number of searches tends to remain relatively stable from one month to the next.

The traffic that is generated by searches is likewise considered “free.” That is a significant concern given the cost of advertisements. For instance, we get around 1.4 million monthly visits from organic search engine results. If we were to attract the same traffic through search advertisements, it would cost us an estimated $1.7 million every single month.


Absolutely no source of traffic is devoid of charges. It takes time and effort to do SEO.

How do you do SEO?

Five major steps are involved in SEO:

  1. Research on various keywords Locate the things that people are looking for.

  2. the development of content Develop material with searchers in mind.

  3. On-page SEO. Improve the readability of your text as much as you can.

  4. Link building. Establish your credibility and expertise through the use of other websites.

  5. Search Engine Optimization for Your Website’s Technical Aspects Assist search engines in effectively finding, crawling, and indexing your material.

The SEO tutorial for beginners will mostly focus on these stages to get you started.

Preparing your site for optimal performance in search engines

When your website is set up in a way that is optimal for search engine optimization, performing SEO tasks will be lot simpler. Let’s look at a couple different ways that it may be done.

Get A Good Domain

Don’t freak out if you already have a domain name because most of them can handle SEO just fine. However, if you are still looking around, you should keep these two characteristics of an excellent domain in mind.

Domain name

Something succinct and easy to recall is ideal in this context. Don’t force keywords in where they don’t belong. The name of your company, without any hyphens or other letters, is almost always a safe bet.

Top-level domain (TLD)

This refers to the section that comes after the name, such as “.com.” In terms of SEO, it does not matter which TLD you choose to use. [1] But for the majority of individuals, we believe extension is the most appropriate choice because it is the most widely known and trusted. For nonprofit organizations,.org or the local equivalent will also work. Your country code top-level domain (ccTLD), such, is acceptable as long as you solely conduct business in one nation outside of the United States.

It is in your best interest to avoid using top-level domains (TLDs) that people have a tendency to connect with spam, such However, having one is not the end of the world by any means. You may still create a legitimate website that will rank well.

Utilize a web-based platform.

Website platforms make it simple to develop and maintain a website of your own. There are two distinct types:

  1. Hosted Platforms are hosted on another server. There is nothing much for you to do as they will host your website, provide you with ready-made designs, and allow you to add and change content without requiring you to touch any code. You can take Shopify, BigCommerce, or Volusion as an example.

  2. Self-Hosted Platforms are basically made on your own servers. This enables you to add and change material without having to use code or create custom made scripts. The key distinction is that you are responsible for their hosting and installation. Example would be OpenCart, Magento, or WooCommerce (can be installed in WordPress).

The majority of SEO specialists advise using a self-hosted, open-source platform such as WordPress because:

  • You can put your own spin on it. The open-source code can be modified in any way that you see fit. There is also a large community of developers who are familiar with every aspect of the platform.

  • It can be expanded easily. There are millions of plugins available for enhancing its capabilities, and numerous SEO plugins are among such plugins.

Having said that, if you place a high priority on user friendliness and support, a hosted solution may be more suitable for your needs. The features offered by the major ones are sufficient for the majority of users.

Using A Good Web-host

If you want to use a hosted solution, you will require the services of a web host. These save a copy of your website on a hard drive, which enables anybody with an internet connection to view it. When picking one, keep these three things in mind:

  1. Security. Make certain that you obtain a free SSL or TLS certificate. Or, at the absolute least, support for Let’s Encrypt, which is a nonprofit organisation that provides free certificates.

  2. The geographical location of the server. The data must travel between the server and the visitor, which takes some time. Therefore, it is in your best interest to select a host that resides in the same nation as the majority of your website’s visitors.

  3. Support. Support that is available around the clock is preferable. Before you join up, put their customer service to the test by asking the questions above.


By using a content distribution network, you may optimise the location of your servers (CDN). This generates copies of your website and places them on servers located all over the world, ensuring that it is always provided from a location that is geographically convenient for the user. Don’t give yourself much anxiety about this matter. In the event that you discover that speed is an issue later on, you have the option to make an investment in a CDN.

Create Positive Experience

Google will give pages a higher ranking if they provide a good experience for site visitors. Let’s have a look at a couple different approaches to this problem.


Nothing could be worse for site visitors than for hackers to have access to their personal information. Encrypting your website with SSL or TLS should always be a priority.

Pick a pattern that catches the eye.

Nobody wants to spend their time on a website that seems like it was designed in the ’90s. Even if it is not necessary to update your website every few months, it should nonetheless look nice and accurately represent your business.

Check its compatibility with Mobile

Mobile devices have surpassed desktop computers as the primary means by which people do internet searches. Therefore, it is essential that the experience of using your website on a mobile device is comparable to that of using it on a desktop computer.

Employ a font size that is easily readable.

People use a wide variety of tools to conduct online browsing. It is imperative that your material be legible across all platforms.

Stay away from adverts and pop-ups that are annoying.

Advertisements are universally reviled, yet there are occasions when they are unavoidable. If this is the case, you should avoid interstitial advertisements that are disruptive. It’s possible that pages containing them won’t rank as highly.

Check to see if it loads rapidly.

On both desktop and mobile devices, page performance is taken into consideration as a ranking criterion. However, this does not imply that the loading speed of your website needs to be extremely quick. It only impacts web sites that provide visitors the slowest possible experience.


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