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A Guide to Distributed Network Architectures

A Guide to Distributed Network Architectures

People are growing more and more interested in distributed network architectures on a daily basis for a number of reasons. For example, distributed networks enable business architects to build a solid foundation upon which mission-critical applications may keep running even in the event of a serious server or network failure.

One of the factors contributing to the rising popularity of these sorts of systems is the ability of distributed architectures to easily extend and respond to quick changes in application and service flows. Because of these benefits, network infrastructures may support technological advancements in company operations without always needing to “tear and replace” expensive gear.

This comprehensive introductory guide includes in-depth discussions on the following subjects:

elucidate your definition of a scattered network;

provide instances of widespread use case deployment;

Compare the distributed network architectural model to the centralised and decentralised network architectural models; and

Describe the advantages and challenges of a typical dispersed network implementation.

Uncentralized networks are referred to as dispersed networks.

What is a distributed network?

A distributed network is defined as “a collection of several networks that are each maintained individually yet collectively” in one definition. These networks are frequently geographically isolated from one another in order to provide greater reliability. In order to provide users who are situated in a range of different physical places with enhanced performance, they also provide various access points, also known as points of presence. To provide service redundancy, improved speed, and automated resource sharing, every network in a distributed network design has the capability to connect with the other networks in the architecture.

Even if each network in a dispersed network architecture is capable of functioning independently, management and monitoring are done centrally. Because of this, various network and network security policies may be created just once and then applied to the whole network. This ensures that the policy is applied uniformly throughout the whole network architecture. Similar to this, a single NetOps control panel is used to manage all monitoring and alerting tasks for total end-to-end visibility.

Use cases and illustrations of scattered networks

There seems to be more and more applications for scattered networks every day. Two of the most typical instances are shown below:

The Secure Access Service’s Periphery (SASE). A worldwide distributed software as a service (SaaS) architecture is an illustration of a distributed network. SASE is one of the SaaS use cases that is growing in popularity as a result of the expansion of remote workforces. Thanks to SASE, end users may access remote applications and services through any of the many independent SASE gateways. The network security services for all business traffic flows must be provided by these gateways. Each SASE node operates independently of the others, and users are routed to other head-end locations when a better node is discovered.

Internet of Things edge computing Due to the development of Internet of Things devices used to monitor various activities within a city, school, building, or institution, edge computing services are becoming more and more important. A distributed network architecture made up of several edge computing nodes is typically needed for Internet of Things deployments that demand low-latency network connectivity for the collection and processing of IoT data. The layer of edge computing may contain this paradigm.

Centralized vs. decentralized vs. distributed networks

Certain distinctions between distributed network architectures, decentralised network architectures, and centralised network designs are immediately evident, while others are less clear. Before comparing decentralised and distributed network topologies, let’s first look at the similarities and differences between distributed and centralised networks.

Centralized vs. distributed

A centralised network has the same architecture as a traditional network. When using this method, endpoints connect to a single application or resource via a client-server connection. If either the primary server or the network that it is connected to failed, there would be an outage. Because of this, centralised architectures may not be sufficient from a redundancy standpoint to maintain network and application services in the event of a large outage.

traditional remote access For remote workforces, VPN designs usually employ a centralised network model. This is as a result of the architecture’s need that every distant user connect to a single VPN head-end that is situated within the corporate network’s perimeter, creating a single point of failure.

In contrast to centralised networks, which use just one model, business applications are supported by clustered models in distributed architectures. For the goal of boosting application performance and providing higher reliability, these network and server clusters are in constant communication with one another and are able to trade resources and direct users to other cluster groups.

Decentralized vs. distributed

Decentralized and dispersed networks are more mentally demanding when compared to one another. On the other hand, the difference between centralised and dispersed networks may be understood relatively easily. In fact, since they believe they mean the same thing, many people use the phrases “decentralised” and “distributed” interchangeably. In actuality, the two models differ noticeably from one another.

Similar to distributed systems, a decentralised network distributes workloads and data over a variety of networks and systems. On the other hand, a decentralised network architecture distributes various services, functions, and data to specific locations. This contrasts with distributed network topologies, where each node in a cluster consists of all the data and applications required for the network to operate. Decentralized networks cannot function independently the way dispersed networks may because they are too dependent on one another.

Decentralized networks frequently lack a central control plane, which serves as the hub from which all systems may be managed. Instead, management and regulation of each of these various workloads is done individually.

Visualizing the interaction of distributed, centralised, and decentralised networks

Check out the network diagrams provided below to learn more about how distributed, decentralised, and centralised systems work.

It’s crucial to remember that in a centralised control paradigm, each server is connected to a separate core network from which it runs. On the other hand, with decentralised networks, server connections are created as needed, taking into account the location of the resource in issue as well as the particular application or service function that is being requested. In conclusion, a distributed network achieves the maximum levels of reliability and performance by operating in a full mesh design as completely independent nodes.

Benefits and issues with dispersed networks

There has never been more technology used to further corporate objectives. We’ve seen enormous changes in how firms digitally modify their operations compared to merely a decade ago. The underlying network infrastructure frequently needs to undergo drastic design modifications as a result.

The following are typical illustrations of these commercial and technological shifts:

virtualization of servers and networks.

using the cloud

serverless architectures and containers

using the edge

policies for working from home

As a result, in a time of swift technical and commercial change, dispersed networks provide the following benefits:

dependability of the application and service. A service outage is not caused by network disruptions to significant portions of the network since each node in a distributed network cluster is able to function independently from every other node.

Scalability. Depending on the amount of redundancy and performance needed, nodes can be added or withdrawn as needed.

Redesign traffic patterns in light of evolving business needs. The ability to alter the north-south and east-west traffic rates and loads allows for quick response to new applications or changes in application use.

centralised management. Network security and performance settings are maintained centrally. This guarantees that the policy is consistent throughout.

But as with any new technology, drawbacks must also be taken into account. Those drawbacks at the moment include the following:

Structure difficulty. Distributed network topologies feature more levels of software abstraction than centralised networks. As a result, from the standpoint of deployment and administration, such layers increase total complexity.

gap in skills. In-house NetOps personnel must expand their knowledge and skill sets in order to maintain a dispersed network’s best performance. It may be difficult to discover and retain technical talent inside a company for the foreseeable future due to the strong demand for these talents.

cost of management and migration. When building and putting into place the new infrastructure, switching from traditional, centralised networks—the current architecture that is most prevalent—to a distributed architecture involves a large investment. However, if network automation and machine learning are used effectively after the network is operating, this investment can be recovered.

Network infrastructures, services, and applications change throughout time.

Even if we can identify the characteristics of an ideal network design as it exists now, future improvements are unavoidable. This is an ongoing process that is motivated by company objectives and the programmes and services needed to achieve them. Note that this is a never-ending cycle where network speed, reliability, and scalability continue to grow and evolve, much as changes in the past that happened to bring us where we are now from an architectural standpoint.


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