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DevOps - Everything You Need To Know

DevOps - Everything You Need To Know

What does DevOps mean for development and operations?

Different stakeholders in software projects, such as software developers and IT operations workers, have various interpretations of what the word “DevOps” means.

Buy-in is necessary for the adoption of the DevOps mindset. Some people refer to it as a movement that encourages collaboration and open communication between software engineers and IT operations managers, two traditionally distinct jobs in the information technology industry. Some people see DevOps as nothing more than a collection of tools that enable the creation of code that is ready for production on a quick release schedule and with programmable infrastructure.

Although DevOps has its origins in the Agile software development approach, it is not necessary to use Agile in order to use DevOps and vice versa. Although DevOps is mostly associated with cloud computing, the ideas it embodies are applicable to on-premises systems as well. The phrase “DevOps” appears in job names on employment sites; nevertheless, the specific skill set necessary for positions such as “DevOps engineer” might vary greatly from one organisation to the next.

Read these responses to key questions to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of DevOps for professionals working in development and operations, as well as the many different ways the word “DevOps” may be utilised.

What problem does DevOps solve?

Developers, who are responsible for writing the software, and IT operation managers, who are in charge of delivering it are both participants in the DevOps movement. Historically, these two groups have been compartmentalised and have worked independently of one another. As a result, a communication issue may be resolved, which ultimately results in higher-quality software.

The connection between software developers and those who run information technology is sometimes contentious. It is a frequent misconception that software developers have the expectation that IT operations managers would immediately deploy new applications or upgrades to existing software, even if the code in issue has not been rigorously tested. Another one is that IT operations managers, who think that often updating code is dangerous, deny change requests from the development side, which causes delays in the deployment of new software.

The process of releasing apps and upgrades into production is known as “DevOps,” and it is a collaborative effort. The generation of feedback by operations leads to enhancements in the code, which in turn leads to an improved product. Throughout the software development lifecycle, better informed handoffs from one team to the other may be achieved with the help of DevOps (SDLC). In other circumstances, the responsibility for operations is assumed by the developers. When a new piece of code is released, a feature developer can, for instance, be responsible for diagnosing and fixing performance issues on production servers.

The term “DevOps” refers to a technique in which the two departments may collaborate successfully. The idea is to teach them to trust one another and recognise that their wants and interests might occasionally clash with one another. However, several companies have found that other critical teams continue to operate in silos, which either slows down the deployment of software or generates poor satisfaction among users. Typical examples include quality assurance and quality control, security, and business stakeholders. Each of these terms refers to a collaborative approach among these other specialised team members in addition to developers and IT operations. DevOps can evolve into DevTestOps, DevSecOps, or BizDevOps.

Although DevOps encourages greater collaboration, it may also lead to significant shifts in the way that development and operations staff members operate, as well as the tools that they use to do their duties.

What is the connection between agile and the DevOps methodology?

The Agile software development methodology is the parent of DevOps. It expands on well-known concepts of the Agile approach, such as continuously integrating new code and releasing it into production on a continuing basis. DevOps is an organisational culture or mindset, similar to Agile, but it can be codified into a set of practises and tools in the same way that Agile can.

Agile software development got its start in 2001 with the publication of the Agile Manifesto. In this article, a better method for developing software is broken down into 12 principles, as well as four core ideals. Instead of adhering to a predetermined game plan, development teams were encouraged to respond to feedback from customers and make adjustments on the fly as a result of the Agile movement. It stipulates continual software delivery in order to achieve these shared objectives.

Agile teams first became aware of the need for the idea that would later be known as “DevOps” when they understood that frequent code releases would require them to collaborate effectively with the operations team. Patrick Debois, an IT consultant, is generally regarded as the person who first uttered the word “devops.” In 2009, he was the one who organised the very first DevOpsDays conference as a way to bring together people who worked in development and operations roles.

What exactly are these “DevOps tools”?

There is no one set of tools that must be used in order to do DevOps. It is sufficient to have a positive working connection between the IT administrator and the developer in a small IT department. However, the majority of companies will require extra vendor technologies in order to successfully deploy DevOps. Adoption of DevOps may cause disruptions across IT infrastructure as well as development and management tooling, and this is especially true for big distributed businesses.

A significant number of DevOps firms make use of a CI/CD pipeline, which makes it possible to do continuous integration and continuous delivery or deployment. In most cases, the following are included in a CI/CD tool set:

  • Source code management and Version control

  • CI engine

  • Test tools

  • Administrator of artefacts

  • Cloud hosting and container technology

  • Administration of configurations and various automated tools

  • An integrated set of monitoring tools for both the infrastructure and the apps

These technologies, or maybe all of them, can interface with a collaborative platform that is utilized by everyone. An illustration of the integration of CI/CD technologies into DevOps is shown in Figure 1.

DevOps Operation

Collaboration tools give experts in the areas of development, testing, and operations the ability to communicate easily, keep track of activities, and make essential information available to all stakeholders. For example, a release calendar may be seen online, and it displays the anticipated release dates for various projects that are currently under development. In operations, routine maintenance and other types of work might be scheduled around anticipated release dates.

The technologies that are already in use by IT operations and development do not need to be completely reworked in order to implement DevOps. Some companies already have application lifecycle management software installed, so they can accomplish some of these duties with it. It’s possible that all they’ll do is install a CI engine that will cause the code to go on automatically from one stage to the next. The common release schedule that was outlined before has the potential to enable continuous delivery without requiring any further adjustments to the deployment processes. There are a lot of IT teams that already utilise monitoring tools, but some of them could enhance them for new hosting technologies. And although while containers and cloud computing are popular options for DevOps settings, using them is not necessary.

Is the cloud the only environment where DevOps can be used?

It’s possible that DevOps is about more than just enhancing communication between the development and operations teams. It is a means to express technical information about an application’s demands in such a way that connections and resources may be controlled by a computer rather than by a human. For this reason, DevOps pushes organisations to utilise cloud computing.

A trained operations specialist is able to oversee the management of thousands of compute instances in the cloud. On software teams that have strong DevOps practises, the operations managers collaborate closely with the developers to map out the operational configurations that are necessary for the application. These configurations include the necessary dependencies, resource consumption limits, scaling settings, and other infrastructure considerations. When application resources are correctly provided, provisioning tools are able to automatically read this information, allowing operations managers to automate the process of software distribution. In cloud settings, there is no requirement for the actual physical installation of new technology.

What does a DevOps job role entail?

If an organisation is looking to fill a DevOps post, it almost always means that it stores its data and apps in the cloud and requires IT staff to manage these installations. It’s likely that the company develops its software in-house and views it as a key competitive advantage for the company. The majority of businesses that provide employment opportunities in the field of DevOps also have other IT teams that manage activities such as commercial off-the-shelf software, technological infrastructure, and technical support, among other responsibilities.

The job titles of DevOps manager and DevOps engineer, in addition to other DevOps-centric specialty titles such as full-stack developer and site reliability engineer, may be found on virtually every recruitment website. However, the skill sets required for various DevOps tasks might vary widely depending on the firm. Here are some of the options that are available to you.

The term “DevOps engineer” can refer to a system administrator who works with various technologies for configuration management and automation. A DevOps engineer, often known as a back-end engineer, is an operations manager who works closely with software engineers at a different organisation. Moreover, some businesses refer to a software engineer as a DevOps engineer in order to describe a developer who is responsible for the deployment of updates to production and the handling of incident response activity.

Someone who is able to handle IT operations and infrastructure as code is known as a site reliability engineer (SRE). In addition to this, the SRE could be able to automate modifications and address fundamental flaws in the SDLC. The SRE job title was first used at Google, which also was the first company to produce a book on the subject.

The function of a DevOps manager is one that may be comparable to that of an Agile project manager; however, in addition to managing deployment and operations, this role also includes additional responsibilities. Alternately, the DevOps manager might also serve as an IT manager for cloud- and CI/CD-based initiatives, cooperating with the leadership of the development team.

A person is said to be a full-stack developer if they generally create code for both applications and the underlying infrastructure. For instance, a full-stack developer will build a user-facing feature, then configure the database to support that feature, and finally, they will connect all of these application components to a scalable cloud instance so that it can be deployed. This job title refers to the layers of the software’s components as “the stack,” which includes everything from the user interface (UI) to the operating system (OS) to hosting technologies.

Adoption of DevOps frequently results in the creation of centralised roles that are intended to assist DevOps teams. Included in the following list of other DevOps responsibilities, which is by no means exhaustive:

  • IT automation specialist

  • Test automation engineer

  • Kubernetes platform engineer

  • Analyst of DevOps systems

  • CI/CD pipeline engineer

By gaining expertise in automation, cloud computing, and container management, developers and operations administrators may advance their careers into DevOps jobs. In addition to this, they need to place an emphasis on clear communication and having a comprehensive grasp of software, which includes everything from requirements and design to the elimination of bugs and performance comparisons across different platforms. A person’s desirability as a candidate for a DevOps position might be boosted by their possession of many skill sets. For instance, developers who educate themselves on how to test in a staging environment will broaden their scope of influence throughout the SDLC. The capacity of a systems administrator to write infrastructure as code highlights the potential of DevOps.


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